11.1V | 6,000mAh Waterproof LiPo Battery Pack "PRO Battery" for Divers, Small and Lightweight
Examples of Applications for a Heating Garment
The "PRO battery" is carried in the jacket or trouser pocket. Supply cables with different lengths and waterproof connections are offered as accessories for the connection to the heating shirt.
NOTE: The use of the 11.1V | 6,200mAh battery pack "PRO battery" in combination with heating clothing may only be operated with a heating control to avoid burns!
We can also customize other battery packs on request (as double, triple or quadruple pack on top of each other or side by side according to length or width). The standard assembly for increasing the capacity of the LiPo battery pack to 12.4Ah is 4 battery packs as 2 double packs with the long side next to each other.
Notes & Features About the Accumulators
The excellent quality of the individually tested battery packs, the very high-quality selection of the raw materials used, and the electronic protective circuits integrated into the battery packs, which include
- Automatic switch-off
- Balancer technology
- Deep discharge protection
- Short circuit with reverse polarity protection
- Charge overvoltage protection
- Discharge current control
- Temperature protection
offer the greatest possible safety for demanding applications and thus correspond to professional battery technology and brand quality, which also stands for a very long battery life.
Sealing Bath for Waterproof Batteries
Waterproofing protects the battery, electronics and cable contacts against sea salt water when penetrating the drysuit.
Waterproof to IP69K: Protected from water intrusion during temporary flooding.
(Fig. 1: Battery after the Heizteufel sealing bath)
(Fig. 2: left battery after sealing bath, right battery before treatment)